Friday, June 29, 2012


"God Bless Her Soul" is a southern bad habit.  I know you may be surprised, but this phrase really isn't as kind-hearted as it appears. Let me illustrate.
  • "She's been drinking for years. GBHS."
  • "His head was all squished. GBHS."
  • "He married a golddigger. GBHS."
Do you see the problem? "God Bless His/Her Soul" is really just the add-on ap that allows you to say whatever you want, no matter how insulting it may be.  My 93 year old grandmother, the self-proclaimed Scarlet O'Hara, is the master of it.  Again let me illustrate.
  • "He was so ugly The day he was born, I swore the devil went and got a hold of me.  GBHS."
  • "She's got herself a foster child; it's a crack baby.  GBHS"
  • "She's so beautiful. If it weren't for those thighs of hers. GBHS."
I kept a record of her habit throughout the past few years because it's so thoroughly entertaining.  Now that Nana is in a nursing home, unable to make such comments anymore, I am grateful for my journalism.  The last time she could speak, she said the Lord wasn't ready for her yet, and I thought, "GBHS."


Sarah said...

Alternate, meaner ending that I didn't have the heart to write:

The last time she could speak, she said that God must not be ready for her yet, and I thought, "God Bless His Soul."

Which ending do you prefer?

Unknown said...

OMG!!! I totally just had this conversation literally wednesday at work with one of my co-workers and now whenever we do something wrong, stupid, silly, we say for example " where did you grow up under a stupid rock, bless your soul!" no joke I even have proof of this as facebook has documented it into the eternal realm of the internetSSS.

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